Going through a divorce can be unsettling, and for this reason, many couples want to get the process over with as quickly as possible. However, many states have rules and regulations that couples must follow when they separate and ultimately file for divorce.
Every state is different when it comes to exactly how divorce proceedings work. How long does it take to go through the divorce process in Ohio?
Contested or uncontested
The length of time has a lot to do with whether or not the couple wants to contest certain items, with contested splits naturally taking longer since there is more to discuss with the soon-to-be former couple. In general, an uncontested divorce will take around a month and a half to three months, while a contested divorce involving children can take a year and a half or more.
Speeding the process along
Even if a divorce falls into the contested category, there can be ways to move the process along more quickly. For example, couples can:
- Ensure that they organize and get up to date on all financial and other paperwork
- Have some agreement regarding things like child custody and division of assets
- Know the divorce laws before starting the process
An uncontested divorce is the surest way to make sure that proceedings do not drag out, but the reality is that many couples who are splitting will want to contest certain items.
By knowing the ins and outs of divorce laws, couples in Ohio can help ensure that their divorce takes as little time as possible.