Probate, the legal process of administering a deceased person's estate, often carries with it many misconceptions. These myths can lead to confusion for individuals during this process. Part of preventing this issue includes debunking four prevalent myths about...
Probate, Trust & Estate Administration
Understanding the ancillary probate process
After a loved one passes away, dealing with their estate can seem overwhelming. If they owned property in more than one state, you will have additional considerations. Ancillary probate will facilitate the estate settlement process when there are out-of-state assets...
What may require an estate to pay the deceased’s debts?
Ohio’s Revised Code gives creditors six months to file claims to recover the deceased’s unpaid debts from the estate. During probate, the estate’s administrator may work with creditors to settle outstanding balances. In some cases, an executor may sell property and...
How long is the probate process in Ohio?
In the midst of planning a funeral and handling other paperwork, the probate process may be the last thing on a family's mind. Most would hope to complete the process as quickly as possible. Understanding what probate involves and typical timeframes can prepare a...
What are your options for long-term care?
Whether you have a loved one in need of long-term care or you are looking into options for yourself in the future, it is important to identify the long-term care option that works best for you and your family. Once you know the nuances of each option, you can make a...
What kind of trust should you choose?
Facing the prospect of your death is not something you enjoy doing. However, failing to plan may further tax your family at a time when emotions already run high. A trust account may prove a valuable fiduciary instrument you may add to your estate plan. The role of a...
Stepping into your role as executor
Accepting the responsibility to close an estate is a big commitment. In many cases, it could take up to a year or more to finalize everything according to the testator's instructions. Preparing to fulfill your duties can help you step into your role with confidence...
How may a trust protect my heirs from creditors?
Advantages of creating a trust include protecting your property from creditors. If you create a revocable or “living” trust, however, creditors may seek payment for unpaid debts, as explained by Creditors, for example, may sue you while you are alive or...
Do you have answers for common trust administration questions?
After a loved one chose you to administer a trust, you researched the role and all its responsibilities. Just as you may have your questions, so do other estate executors. The American Bar Association shares common trust administration questions. When you have the...
Can the court remove an executor during probate?
Choosing an executor for your estate is a huge decision. You will probably take a lot of time and put a large amount of thought into making your choice. The idea that the court could remove and replace your executor may seem upsetting, but you can relax. The Ohio...