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Parenting from a distance after divorce

On Behalf of | Nov 11, 2019 | Divorce

Divorced Ohio parents who must move away from their children might worry about maintaining a strong bond with those children. However, they can stay in touch with them even if they do not see them as often. Phone calls outside of scheduled times for talking as well as postcards and messages sent by email, text or social media can reassure children that their parents are thinking of them. Children may also have their own preferences about how to stay in touch that their parents can discuss with them.

Parents need to focus on ensuring that although the quantity of their time with their children may be reduced, they can still enjoy high-quality time together. One aspect of this is making sure that they plan plenty of one-on-one time with their children. This should be the case even if the parent has remarried. Parents who are dating should wait until a relationship is serious before introducing the children.

Parents should also find out what their children are interested in and try to engage in those interests as well. If they can get to know their children’s friends and their friends’ parents, this can be helpful if the children later want to invite the friends on an outing or for a weekend.

Child custody and visitation negotiations can be difficult even if one parent is not moving far away. Some parents prefer to try to negotiate an agreement out of court with the assistance of their attorneys. This can be less expensive than going to litigation, and it can allow parents to come up with a creative arrangement that suits their family situation. However, in some cases, this is not possible. Parents who are involved in a custody dispute may want to collect evidence showing they are the child’s main caregiver.


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